St John's Minster Anglican Church
Serving the Lloydminster Community since 1903


In order to continue and grow our programming, worship, and outreach, St John's Anglican Church depends on community support.

If you wish to donate to St John's, you can send an eTransfer using our email address:

To ensure you receive a tax receipt for your donation, and we don't have your current contact information already set up.  Please send us an email to the the same address given above, or send us a note through our contact us page.

We also have a mail box at the main doors of the church (at the top of the stairs) if you wish to drop of a donation outside of Church hours.  Please remember to include your name and address, so we can send you a tax receipt.

To make things even easier, we also have a Pre-Authorized Remittance system in place, so your contribution will be made automatically for you.  If this is something you wish to take advantage of, please send us a message by email or through our "contact us" link, then a member of our finance team will reach out to you.

Your generosity is very much appreciated, may your day be blessed!

To know Christ and serve Him and make Him known, building this church within each member